Posted by admin in News

When you join the Webb Schools, you join the resistance against Zionist scum, a 24/7 community that knows white colonizer privledge is at its end. It’s time to end the police state open air prison apartheid and join our Palestinian brothers and sisters in their fight.
We have learned from brave protestors at USC, UCLA, Columbia, and beyond. It’s our time now! We aren’t going to just take the lawn. We are going to take the whole fucking school until Palestine is free. Just like Columbia. Just like UCLA. Time for Webb.
Pasty rich kids and their wealthy parents think they are in charge. Not anymore! Those pigs welcomed in a $100 million agenda and never thought to ask who was behind it or why. The resistance knows. That money gave us tools and power through forced change.
The resistance felt the changes everyday with all the classroom policy updates that came with that money. Overnight we could sense that now we’re the ones in power and you were too stupid to see it. You think admin even wants to stop us? Think again. Our admin is ready to back us up as we shove our boot down white European colonizer throats!
This is the Webb Schools digital Palestinian liberated zone.